Sunday, April 08, 2007

Thank You Easter Bunny

Today was my first Easter. It was so much fun. I got all dressed up in my Easter outfit. But because it was so cold, I had to wear a sweater over my outfit and my mommy wrapped me up in a blanket. I went to church at King's Way with mommy and daddy and Granddad and Doll and Bird. I was pretty good at church, but I tried to say the Lord's Prayer louder than everybody else. Since I don't say any real words and only make noises, only God and mommy knew what I was saying.

After church we went and got my Lamb and went to Doll and Granddad's house. There I got my first Easter basket presents -- a couple of cute outfits for spring -- one with my monogram and the other is smocked with a little boy fishing. I also got a chocolate easter bunny and some green jelly beans, but no one let me eat any. They made me eat applesauce and prunes. Oh yeah -- my favorite present is my new rattle Doll and Granddad gave me. It has my name on it and a teething ring. And don't forget my Lamb -- I love when it sings to me.


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