Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Camping on the Buffalo River

This weekend, me, my mommy, my daddy, Doll, Granddad, and Aunt T all went to Arkansas for my first trip to the Buffalo River. Every year, my Granddad Cash's family gets together at the Buffalo River for a canoe float. This year, we went to Tyler Bend and camped at the Tyler Bend campground. My mommy and daddy went floating on Saturday afternoon and I stayed with Nanny and Bird. We had so much fun.

When mommy and daddy came back from floating, my Doll and my daddy took me down to the Buffalo river. Doll let me sit in the water -- it was a lot of fun. That night, I got to see my Great-Granddad Cash and a lot of other Cash family members. My Great Aunt Nancy kept calling me "Grahamer" -- I don't know what she was talking about. But I guess that is better than "Hank" -- the other name she has threatened to call me.

I spent my first night in a tent on Saturday night. I slept on one side of the tent with my Aunt T and my mommy and daddy slept on the other side of the tent. I slept all the way through the night and everyone was amazed.


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